Saturday, August 19, 2006

an act of God could save us.

it's the halftime clock of the examination period... LSC and CONB.. *cough* i have the black lung.. smoking plus passive smoking from everyone around me.

and i'm proud to declare i am feeling better already! for those who encourage, thank you... i humbly thank you all. accelerate forward!

this week was pretty weird. i was so easily distracted.. kept playing KINGDOM HEARTS! so determined to complete it (which i did so today.. finally, if not OM and MMR are dead.) but for LSC and CONB, i studied so little! something not right.. the semester has turned out pretty well, and i shouldn't waste the blessing God has given! DON'T! WASTE! IT! GENE!

there are so many things i want to do.. it's all keeping me very distracted. i want to play the bass well.. learn the drums (coordinate with the bass) and etc etc. shall work this holiday, to clear debts.. i need to know how to control my spending.. it's all wrong. i told myself that since last year... and i MUST do something about it.

anyway, some pics from national day with sze bim and her friends. the fireworks were pretty impressive... take a look. shall let it end from here.

at the car park.. many people were already waiting for this festival of lights.

sze bim! her yukata is really nice. although the weird stares she received were common, she wasn't affected.. good for you! it is quite a lesson.. teaches us to dare to do things.

it begins.

ending finale...

let God be glorified.