Pronounciation, funny.
I thought I might talk about some stuff, such as pronounciation of certain words. I once did a post on writing, but now, let's talk about words that we can use in typing, but just can't seem to speak it out. A few popular examples...
1. Pronounciation = Not PRONOUNCE with a C-A-Tion. It's PRO-NUN-C-A-Tion. I learnt this from a teacher in school. Not as popular nowadays, since people can get it right already.
2. The letter "W" = Which is it, Double-Lew, Dub-Dew or Dub-Blew? Which links to more examples like WHY, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO. Simple words, but different pronounciations. I speak it with a starting W, such as Why, but it seems older people make it sound with a H start, such as Hwy, Hwat (Huat), Hwear (Hwere is also fine), Hwen. WHO is alright, we won't hear Hwo.
3. Awry = I never knew how to pronounce it until Gary told me how to. It's pronounced "Uh-Rai". Not Aw-Ree. The meaning, as given by, is away from the expected or proper direction; amiss; wrong: Our plans went awry.
That's about all I can think of, well at least for now during WFM class. I once pronounced UNIQUE as UNI-Q. Laughing stock, again. It's UNIK.
More in the future.
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