
the girls with rajan, all time favourite lecturer!

and another one...

i like to call this one the MALAYS. hahaha

the guys with rajan. we are the subordinates. haha

a class photo... incomplete AGAIN. but von is with us mentally and spiritually.

all photos credited to Dong. Thanks dude.
finally, some rest. before ANOTHER storm.
edit= the photoshopping tools! i don't know. it's the usual me already. haha

guys pic again, without the corporate ladder man. haha.

class malays revamped to "a different level"

it doesn't matter whether the class is complete. in the end, i think the spirit is already closer to complete. :)

CONB makes you weird. no matter what the lecturer does, he stays the same, but everyone changes.

here's something not from school. haha. SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT huh? the jamming video, here it is.
SUNDAY BLUES~ on a sunday.
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