Thursday, October 18, 2007

Politically Correct only.

A few laughs for a once-in-a-while post... I lack photos, and therefore will show you some videos. I know I'm not exactly the updated type, but here's a few for the others who are similarly outdated.

Karate Matrix. Pretty cool... I'm sure most of you guys have seen the Ping-Pong Matrix, so I won't post it up here.

Next up is something new, which I saw from Joshua's blog, and searched more... It's a clip on how movies should have ended, done professionally by cartoon artists, script writers and voice actors. I'm going to show a few notable ones.

More on Youtube.

I am falling sick with a bad cough! Irritating throat. I guess I haven't been resting enough, and resting properly. I should clear all my work as soon as possible, which will relieve me much better.

On a brighter note...

Two weeks left in school. I'm enjoying myself so much in school... Am so going to miss the class when we go out for internship. Every tutorial has been FUN, FUN, FUN!

"An electronic device you keep in your pocket."

"What?! TELEPhone!?"