Corporate Revamp
Not exactly corporate, but yes, a revamp is imminent. It's not just down to the template of the blog, but more of what to post. Lesser life stuff, more pictorials, more newsy material. Though nobody may care, but at least I can feel knowledgeable when I lose my memory and one day stumble upon the oh-so-informative Yes, I'm crazy. Hahaha!
Generally, I think I just have to blog more, and maybe offer more interesting stuff other than just boring life stuff. All this, in hope that I could even improve my writing, but I'm hoping it isn't futile!
So before I close down the settings and all that, here's a "poster", which just proves boredom for me, and more of a re-visit to Photoshop-ing.
The image is kind of ugly, but will be subjected to changes when I actually go through the main revamp. Trailer, you know.
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