Thursday, October 05, 2006

evolution is a mystery, one change and you will see.

I was going through several MSN nicknames, blog entries, my own archives, and I kind of see some form of evolution here. How tainted our English language has become! It becomes a sad tragedy and of course, a hilarious one as well. I'm not showing off my style or anything, just that for me, it's time to refine the language.

We see blogging becoming so conversational. You should see how people type nowadays... It has become really disturbing. Abbreviations are easier for understanding, though sometimes it can get pathetically out of hand. The worse are those who really abbreviate 99% of a sentence through SMS language. We can't be THAT DESPERATE to save SMS space right? Eg. wt tym cn u cm ltr 4 e mtg?

And word replacement is an even worse... THING. Common word replacements:


Self-explanatory. Kind of weird isn't it? One SMS I received was this:

"i at shell now. with [someone's name]. cumming."

that was definitely weird. hmm.

We see words evolve incredibly. You to U to u to eu to (X)eu(X) where X is a number of E's or U's you want to type. Darling to dar to darh to darhdarh BLAHBLAHBLAH. This romance thing is getting kind of mushy and damaged.

Typing styles, damaged because of grammatical mistakes. Don't ever do caps small... What I mean is HeLlO cRapPie pPl iSn'T it CuTe 2 SEe wAt I tYpInG wOrX?

By the way, what the hell is WorX?

I admit, for myself, I used a lot of abbreviations in what I converse, via MSN or SMS. I seem to have a fond liking for the spelling of what to be wad. The other common ones are like tmr for tomorrow and the occasional u for you. Seriously, I have had occasions in writing essays where I really write wad for what. it just proves the damage it can do. I just hope students don't actually start writing "'eu cheated mi!' he said."

Well, today marks a day where I'm bored and I happen to be attacking the evolved Singlish. Spare me, I wanted to scold something, and subjects like this cheer me up also when I attack them.