Sunday, April 23, 2006

so when you're dead and gone...

ffffrrriiiigggggiiinnn bbbllloooccckkkeeddd nnooossseee!!!

sundays, when spent at home... have a rather unpleasant feeling. i never liked spending weekends at home. it is a horrible feeling. i don't know how to explain it.

this house i stay in feels rather weird anyway. well, i rather eliminate the problem that exists than just living around it. now the thing to do is... find the problem!

in any case first week is over as i said before.. now the real deal begins.. i m gonna shoot for the toppest GPA anyone has seen me get!

and i question, what is my potential... what is the limit? i never knew the answer... i wanna see what else i can achieve. DILIGENCE PLEASE!

is there a trick to conquer emotion and feeling with logic and faith? it doesnt seem too human to do this, but who cares, being a human feels so weak to me, so i might as well grow out of that stage. so many goals i set... how many do i actually aim for?