Saturday, November 18, 2006

cold touch.

It's been almost a month since I talked about anything personal. Not that I didn't want to, but more of like I don't know what to say. The photos should speak a little of what I've been doing. But those are events. Inside there is nothing to really say, or should I say, describe.

I'm ashamed that I have drawn a distance from God yet haven't done anything about it. The complacency and tendency to take things for granted is just so wrong. Although on one hand I feel I cannot expect too much from myself, but I sincerely want to do something about this prideful attitude.

I should be careful about passing judgements... Then again, who am I to judge anybody?

Let's not curse life for the things around us, but start looking at the angle they are coming from. If it's really really against you, then by all means curse and swear at it. Let's be objective when cursing and swearing about it.

That about sums up some stuff in my life. I have no heart, no mind, no soul, therefore this is roughly about the sort of blog post I can give to you all as an update of personal life.
